Summer is a good time to relax and rest up for the next school year at schools near Rancho Santa Fe homes. It’s also a good time to get some extra practice in school skills so as to be ready for success in the next grade level. Success in the early grades is important for children to form a positive view of school and to build their confidence.
If you have a child in your Rancho Santa Fe home who is going into kindergarten, first grade, or second grade, check out the readiness classes offered by the Rancho Santa Fe School. Mrs. Jennifer Olson will lead practice in reading, writing, math, science & social studies with children who live in Rancho Santa Fe. Instruction will be in small groups, individually, and with technology. Learning will be fun and will be conducted through hands-on projects.
There will be a recess and snack time everyday, so pack your child something to eat from your Rancho Santa Fe home, as well as a water bottle. For the schedule of classes offered near Rancho Santa Fe homes, and contact and tuition information, please visit RSF School online.