“A Little Piece of Heaven,” can be yours, if you live in Rancho Santa Fe, This heartwarming theatrical performance will be debuted at the Village Church Community Theater, located at 6225 Paseo Delicias on Friday, March 9th and 16th and Saturday, March 10th and 17th at 7:30 p.m. Matinee performances will be on Sunday, March 11th and 18th at 2 p.m. This dramatic comedy, near your home in Rancho Santa Fe, about losing and gaining something of significance will have you laughing and crying, all at the same time.
In this play, Elizabeth and Henry, the owners of an eclectic shop attract many types of customers who are searching for something they have lost. From Michael, a biker, to Lily, an 87 year-old woman who has been coming around the shop for years in search of something. The combination of creative, boisterous characters and the twists and turns they encounter will leave you smiling and being grateful you spent some time at the show. This extraordinary group of teen and adult actors work closely together in achieving excellence and developing presentations that inspire and transform audiences, in an attempt to lift your spirits through theatre. Find out more about this and other performances, by clicking here.