Local residents and business owners searching for a way to turn their productivity up a notch have a chance to see Promote Your Passion live in Rancho Santa Fe next week. On Thursday, October 25th, this all day seminar held at the Morgan Run Club & Resort, located near your Rancho Santa Fe home at 5690 Cancha De Golf, will “empower entrepreneurs to live their passion — and get paid doing what they love.” Lunch is included in the program and guests will be taught by three speakers on different aspects of building a business.
Networking PRO Casey Eberhart, co-author with Deepak Chopra and Jack Canfield of “Stepping Stones to Success” will share his experience and techniques with the group. Eberhart is a true believer in developing relationships and connections and also has steps to developing your potential on his website, TheIdealNetworker.com.
Author, mentor and speaker Presentation PRO Maurice DiMino will train you how to turn public speaking into your greatest asset using powerful, profitable, and passionate lessons from his “Sicilian Mentor Presentation Template.”
Passion PRO Caren Glasser will share methods and reasons for creating positive communication and connection with others. In so doing, Glasser will also teach attendees how to improve their business and personal lives, along with teaching online marketing with comF5 eMarketEngine.
Tickets to this special event are $69 and are available by clicking here.