If you live in Rancho Santa Fe and have children who need something to do, the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center may have the answer for you! You can get your children involved in their community by taking the classes and activities provided by the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center, but now is the time to act. Session 2 classes begin on November 7th, giving you less than a week to register! Your family can enjoy a host of activities and after school opportunities for fun at the community center, near your Rancho Santa Fe home.
Classes range from sports and fitness to music, art and crafts. This season’s catalog offers learning opportunities in beading, ceramics, kitchen skills, and even Spanish! Sport courses focus on basketball, gymnastics, golf, tennis, and jump-roping. Other offerings include woodworking, animal fun, and music video making. Classes are offered for multiple age levels and are held on weekdays. To learn more, call the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center at 858.756.2461 or click here.