The Rancho Santa Fe Library Book Club is featuring The Sandalwood Tree by Ellie Newmark as their May Book Club selection. Join this group of engaging adults for an animated discussion near your Rancho Santa Fe home on Friday, May 11th at 2:00 p.m. The novel takes place in a war-torn India in 1947, when an American anthropologist, Martin Mitchell and his wife Evie journey to India to study. This novel will transport you far from your home in Rancho Santa Fe as you experience the exotic tastes and cultures of Bombay without even having to travel.
While there, alternate plans take them to a small village where Evie finds a series of letters from nearly a decade earlier that share a fascinating story of love and war. Evie discovers dark secrets and intrigue as she explores bazaars and the temples of India and the society of the British Raj, as she tries to piece together the story told by the letters. Amazingly vivid detail imagery of India combined with the intrigue of betrayal and forgiveness, fate and love, create a quite unique tale.The library is located at 17040 Avenida de Acacias and you can get more information about their various programs by clicking here.