The Rancho Santa Fe Association-approved application for the Lilian mixed-use residential and retail project in the RSF village is set to expire on Aug. 5.
The RSF Association has already granted one extension for the 41,211-square-foot project slated for the parking lot at the corner of El Tordo and Avenida de Acacias. RSF Association Manager Pete Smith said the Association board is currently scheduled to hear another extension request that same day, Aug. 5.
“The board will have the option at that time to approve or disapprove the extension request,” Smith said. “If the board decides not to extend the application approval then the property owner would have to start the application process again. The board does have the authority to extend the approval and set the length of that extension.” Smith said that, generally, the board grants an extension on a project when the delay is caused by the county approval process