A Sunday in Rancho Santa Fe

What a great way to spend a Sunday.  Woke up late, 7:30am that’s sleeping in for me, and made pancakes for the kids.  Went to church, we attend The Village Church in Rancho Santa Fe, where they unveiled the new cross.  The Village Church was founded in 1956, and is located on the corner of Paseo Delicias and La Valle Plateada.  The facilities needed a major remodel so the unveiling Sunday was atop what will be the new building. Interesting fact, the tip of the cross will be the highest point in Rancho Santa Fe.
There are a number of buildings in Rancho Santa Fe that either have historical significance or are original Lilian Rice designs.  Lilian Rice, architect for the original subdivision that became Rancho Santa Fe, sought to preserve and enhance the beauty of the Rancho through her design of the public and residential architecture in the Spanish Colonial Revival style. She carefully and deliberately transformed the Rancho from a eucalyptus forest owned by the Rancho Santa Fe Railway into a community famed for its steady, consistent growth and unified architectural theme a total design concept.
The Village Church was not original Lilian Rice but what I love about the remodel of the Church campus is that they worked with the Rancho Santa Fe Association to do their best to emulate her Spanish Colonial Revival style.
To learn more about the history of RSF click here
To learn more about The Village Church click here

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