In the Village of Rancho Santa Fe on Sunday A Finer Art Affaire was put on by the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild. There were over 150 booths with all different genres of artists to experience. Each family member had a different favorite. I enjoyed the hand made jewelery, my husband liked the painters that depicted the Village of RSF, my daughter loved the sculptures of horses, wolves, etc. crafted by Cinthia Joyce, and my son has always liked the realistic depictions of marine life drawn by Tim Gunther.
The day also showed us the first hint of fall. While walking around the Art Faire occasionally there would be a fall breeze cooling us down from our 70-80 degree weather we have had lately. Everyone has a different idea of a perfect Sunday but the great thing about Rancho Santa Fe is that the community has so many different ways to spend the day….
To learn more about the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild click here
To see more of the work from the two artists mentioned click on the videos: