The Chabad Jewish Center of Rancho Santa Fe is celebrating Chanukah in style near your Rancho Santa Fe home. Beginning at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 10th at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center located at 5970 Le Sendita, you will be able to see the Grand Menorah lighting, along with many other exciting activities. Hot latkes, donuts, and chocolate gelt are just some of the treats that await and a special performance by 8th Day is planned, too, offering excitement for all ages.
If you live in Rancho Santa Fe and want to attend the celebration, please RSVP by clicking here. The festivities are being sponsored by Dr. Bob and Mao Shillman. The Chabad Jewish Center of Rancho Santa Fe offers a host of other services and groups to help you establish your spiritual connection, including daily study, Halachic, and candle lighting. Call 858.756.7571 to find out more about how you can be involved close to your Rancho Santa Fe home or learn about this organization and it’s philosophy based around Chabad-Lubavitch.
8th Day Playing Near Your Rancho Santa Fe Home
Catch a peek of the band 8th Day in the video below.